Dr. Aunjuli Hicks is the owner/managing director of Hicks Group and a licensed mental health professional. She has worked in the field for over 25 years. She attended Rutgers University, where she received her BA in Social Work, then went to graduate school, where she obtained her master's in human services with a specialization in professional counseling and her terminal degree in Psychology. "My primary work is with tweens, teens, and adults. I am very particular about whom I take as my client. And my ideal client is motivated and ready for change and transformation. My office focuses on providing mental health and substance abuse recovery counseling services." Dr. Hicks's approach is eclectic. She has certifications and training in different therapeutic orientations. Her role is simple, "to facilitate the awareness, growth, and the psychological development of YOU."
Dr. Hicks challenges her patients and supports them in their life's journey. "I want my patients to learn to live in their truth. I also want my patients to learn peace and mindfulness. That means lots of self-reflection and working through uncomfortable awakenings they may have about themselves. Working through uncomfortable awakenings through the patient and therapist relationship."
Dr. Hicks lives in New Jersey with her family and enjoys her beautiful two cats, Nutmeg and Anise, both adopted and loved. "My work is important because I have been where some of my clients have, and I understand the work needed to set yourself free."
License No. and State 37PC00408800, State of New Jersey
License No. and State LPC007250, State of Georgia
Nationally Certified Counselor
Other credentials include:
Doctorates in Psychology
Licensed Mental Health Counselor by the State Board of Marriage and Family Therapy Examiners and Professional Counselor Examiners Committee
Certificated as an Approved Clinical Supervisor by the National Board
Certified by the Department of Education in School Social Work
Certified by the Disaster & Terrorism Branch as a Disaster Response Crisis Counseling
Certified by the National Board for Certified Counselors
We have a National Provider Identifier Number by the National Plan and Provider EnumSystem Systems (NPPES), which is governed by both the Department of Health and Human Services and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Third-Party Certified by the United State Women's Chamber of Commerce
Certified by the National Anger Management Association
Certified by the National Expressive Art Therapy Association
Certified by Behavioral Tech, LLC
Certified by the Mental Health Association of New Jersey
Registered and Attested by the Council for Affordable Quality Healthcare (CAQH)
Register and Monitored by Duns and Bradstreet
Registered with the Small Business Administration GLS System
Central Contractor Registration and the Online Representations and Certification Applications
Are you looking for Supervision Hours for your license? Dr. Hicks offers Supervision to LAC's. Hear what one of her previous supervisees had to say about their experience:
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